Why We Exist

  • Our mission is the same as Christ's: to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10

  • We want to see no one perish, but have everlasting life. John 6:40, 2 Peter 3:9

  • We are called to bring the Kingdom of God to earth. Luke 17:21

  • We are passionate to see whole families restored and serving God together. Deuteronomy 11: 18-21

  • We are here to be the hands of feet of Christ to a world that needs Him. To be the Body of Christ, and do the things that He did. Live like He lived, and disciple others like He discipled them. Corinthians 12:12, Matthew 28:19-20, Matthew 10:1


What’s Our Mission


We believe in the model Jesus left for us: raising world-changing disciples.

Every person’s journey is unique, but our goal is that no one would ever get stuck in theirs. We want to help everyone reach their full potential one step at a time.

Through our leadership network, every new believer gets connected to someone who can mentor them and help them grow in their knowledge of Christ.

Through the discipleship process, every believer is trained to become a leader who can then disciple others.

The vision is for all to know Christ, be rooted in Him, be formed in His image, and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to be a witness for Him.

Our Pastors


Pastors Pablo & Euny

From Our Pastors:

Our dream is to see each family redeemed, renewed, and restored for the Glory of God.

We believe that it was God’s perfect plan for us to live in Los Angeles. We live in LA and we love this city: it is our mission field.

We have seen the transformative power of the love of God in our own life, family, and thousands of people across the world. We want everyone we meet to know that same love.


Pastors Jorge & Laura

From Our Founding Pastors:

We started as CFF pastors out of our passion to please God.

The path was not easy, but in God’s hand, He has helped us overcome many challenges and grow into who we are today.

Our desire is to help the next generation believe in the value of having a family: That it is possible, and that with God’s help, you too can have a family that loves and serves The Lord.